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Camera Footage As Evidence In Your CMV Accident Case


While no one wants to contemplate the fact, we are routinely surveilled in our day-to-day life. Cameras are everywhere, from our neighbors’ doorbells to the red light cameras run by your city or state. There are obvious privacy risks with living in this type of society, but there are some situations in which they may be useful – one of them is if you have been involved in an accident on city streets. These cameras and their footage can be particularly helpful in accident cases involving (CMVs) or other large trucks or buses.

Removes Any Ambiguities

Accidents involving CMVs are common in Florida for a variety of reasons – some include poorly maintained roads, driver negligence, and bad weather. These accidents can happen at any time, on any terrain, and the potential for serious injury or death is disproportionately higher than it would be in accidents between personal vehicles. Most CMVs are simply much heavier and larger than the average car, pickup truck or SUV, which means they have a much longer stopping distance – almost 200 feet when fully loaded, compared to around 130 feet for a car or SUV – and much more weight behind an impact.

Despite the bulk of a CMV, crashes can happen very fast, and in the immediate aftermath, it is always a good idea to accrue as much evidence as possible so that if you decide to file suit against the driver (or their employer), you can do so with a chance of prevailing at trial. Camera footage can be an integral part of establishing liability, and while you may not be able to do so yourself, most private and public entities will comply with a request from an attorney. Video footage can illuminate major questions about the cause and evolution of a traffic accident.

Consider The Area

In looking for video footage of your accident, there are many different potential avenues one might be able to pursue, depending on exactly where your accident occurred. For example, a rural back road might have only one red light camera, while a busy urban thoroughfare might have multiple cameras available, from both public and private entities. In addition to state-run cameras, it may also be possible to see or copy footage from nearby local businesses, or even from other drivers’ dash cams or portable resources. In many cases, you can request the relevant information from the CMV’s own electronic logging device.

While camera footage can be one of the most persuasive types of video evidence available in a commercial motor vehicle accident case, it is not a good idea to neglect other potential avenues of evidence collection to focus on just one. Everything from the police report (required in accident cases involving a CMV) to witness statements to medical records can make a difference in this type of accident case. The right attorney can help get it all in order to give you the best chance to recover for your injuries.

Call A Tampa CMV Accident Attorney

While many injured plaintiffs neglect the potential uses of camera footage in their accident cases, it can make a difference between success and failure. A Tampa CMV accident attorney from the Rinaldo Law Group can help answer your questions and manage your concerns. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation.



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