Category Archives: Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle Accidents On Florida Roads
Because of its year-round fair weather and warm temperatures, there are always a lot of Florida road users out and around, regardless of the time of year. However, this also leads to an increase in accidents, particularly those involving bicycles and pedestrians. Riding your bicycle should not be hazardous to one’s health – but… Read More »

Bicyclists Face Danger On Florida Roads
Florida’s busy roads have to be shared by everyone – automobiles, trucks, pedestrians, and bicyclists, among others. However, some road users are better equipped to survive accidents than others. Bicyclists are among the least well equipped, which is why they account for a disproportionate amount of road injuries and fatalities. If you have been… Read More »

Is A Bicyclist Considered A Pedestrian?
Florida roads are used by more people than any other state in the U.S. except for California, but pedestrians have historically had a difficult time in using many of them. The state has been ranked as the deadliest for pedestrians by nonprofits, but it is worth noting that the definition of ‘pedestrian’ does not… Read More »

Been In A Florida Bicycle Accident?
As lockdown restrictions ease and the weather improves, more and more Floridians are venturing outside to drive, walk, and ride. However, this does have the potential to lead to more traffic accidents, particularly involving pedestrians and bicyclists – as people get used to driving again, they are more and more prone to make mistakes… Read More »

Knocked Off Your Bicycle?
Because of Florida’s lovely weather that lasts nearly year round, bicyclists and pedestrians are always on the roads along with passenger vehicles. However, this means that drivers have to be extra careful to make certain they share the road appropriately with those not protected by so much metal, glass and plastic. If you are… Read More »

Riverview Bicycle Accident Lawyer
Whether it be a personal experience or that of a loved one, bicycle accidents resulting in serious and sometimes fatal injuries are traumatic and life-changing. Determining fault in cycling accidents is crucial, since it is often for people to associate some liability (“fault”) of the cyclist simply because they are a cyclist. Traffic laws… Read More »

Steps To Take Right After A Florida Car Crash
In the minutes and hours immediately following a Florida car accident, it can feel absolutely overwhelming to have to move past your immediate shock and pain. However, there is a procedure that must be followed in order to give you the best chance at having your medical bills taken care of, and having a… Read More »

Been In A Florida Bicycle Accident?
Florida’s weather means that more people spend their time outside year round, but not every driver is prepared for the numbers of pedestrians and bicyclists that are constantly present on the state’s roads. If you are out riding your bicycle and are involved in an auto accident, you need to be aware that you… Read More »

Bike Accidents In Florida
Florida’s weather means it is a year-round host to bicycling enthusiasts, and because of such high volume, accidents do happen. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has called Florida the deadliest state in the U.S. in which to bike, having topped the ratings for many years running (in the past, the state’s rate was… Read More »

Will Not Wearing A Helmet Harm My Personal Injury Case?
The state of Florida leaves the decision as to whether or not to wear a helmet up to each individual bicyclist or motorcyclist, as long as they are over the age of 16 (or 21, in the case of motorcycles). However, it is not uncommon for victims of accidents to find themselves being told… Read More »