Category Archives: Car Accidents

Holiday Road Accidents Are A Risk
Statistics reported by U.S. News & World Report estimate that Thanksgiving is one of the most dangerous days to be on the road, with Christmas also making the top five of the deadliest holidays in the United States. Between 2017 and 2021, almost 2,500 road fatalities were recorded during this window, with Labor Day… Read More »

CMV Accidents vs Car Accidents
Being involved in a road accident is never a positive event. However, there are significant differences between being struck by a passenger car or an SUV and being struck by a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). It is a good idea to consult an attorney after a crash to determine what your legal options are,… Read More »

Can Poor Maintenance Lead To Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents?
Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) accidents occur for many different reasons, with some being traceable to negligence while some simply happen. One of the least discussed in terms of personal injury cases is the issue of negligent maintenance – when regular upkeep on a CMV is either not performed, or performed poorly. It can be… Read More »

Are Robotaxis Commercial Motor Vehicles?
The last few years have seen more and more companies road-test vehicles that do not require a human driver in order to operate. Called robotaxis or autonomous vehicles, they have been a hot topic for many years now, and as they become more common on state roads, many states are somewhat confused as to… Read More »

Minor Injuries & Car Accidents
When a person is involved in an accident, it is likely that they may suffer injuries of varying severity. If the accident happened due to the negligence of another driver, the injured person generally has the right to seek money damages for what they have been through – however, in Florida, that right is… Read More »

How Does Florida’s No-Fault System Handle Minor Injuries?
When a person is involved in a vehicle accident in Florida, their next steps will be governed by the severity of their injuries. If their injuries are severe, an injured driver is permitted to file suit against the driver who allegedly caused them. However, Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to auto… Read More »

Can I File Suit After Minor Car Accident Injuries In Florida?
Most of the time, the average person will only contemplate filing a personal injury lawsuit if they have been severely injured. Despite that, it is possible, in some cases, to file suit against a negligent person even if the harm you suffered is “minor.” The distinction between “major” and “minor” injuries is often not… Read More »

Do Roundabouts Make Florida Roads More Or Less Dangerous?
Roundabouts, also called traffic circles, are very common in many European cities, but are less often seen in the United States. Florida is one of the states that has begun to implement them on both state roads and highways, at least in theory to improve the flow of traffic in a state with a… Read More »

What Is Florida’s Impact Rule?
Most of the time, a person can only file a personal injury lawsuit if they have sustained a physical injury, and that injury can be shown to have been directly caused by another person’s negligence. One might notice that the injury must be physical; in Florida, a person may not recover damages in personal… Read More »

Exceptions To Florida’s No-Fault Auto Insurance System
Florida is one of the handful of U.S. states that has a no-fault auto insurance system, which means that instead of injured drivers filing suit against the people who allegedly caused their injuries, each driver carries insurance coverage intended for use in covering one’s medical bills. This type of system has its positives and… Read More »