Category Archives: Car Accidents

Dealing With CMS After A Florida Accident
As of this writing, millions of people in Florida have Medicare and/or Medicaid coverage. Medicare is for the disabled and for individuals over the age of 65, while Medicaid covers many more people, though it may not cover certain procedures. Most of the time, these programs are used in the context of paying for… Read More »

Accidents With Uninsured Motorists In Florida
Florida is one of the states that uses a “no-fault” auto insurance system. Under a no-fault system, all licensed drivers based in the state must carry a certain amount of personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, which then can be used if the driver is ever involved in an auto accident. However, there is a… Read More »

Distracted Driving On Florida Roads Kills
Many drivers think nothing of trying to multitask behind the wheel, but in reality, doing so is dangerous, and contributes to countless road accident deaths each year. Florida is one of several states that has passed laws governing aspects of distracted driving, and at this point, Florida juries are not hesitant to hold someone… Read More »

Liability In Florida Auto Accidents
Normally, an automobile accident in Florida is handled via the state’s no-fault system, meaning that a driver who is injured will file a claim with their insurer for their medical bills, instead of filing suit against the (allegedly) negligent party who caused the crash. However, the law provides an exception for those whose injuries… Read More »

Spinal Cord Injuries In Florida Auto Accidents
Too many people underestimate just how serious automobile accidents can be, especially in this day and age, but if someone survives, the injuries can be life-changing. This is particularly true with spinal cord injuries – the slightest bruise to the area can affect every aspect of daily life. If you have suffered a spinal… Read More »

Speeding & Aggressive Driving In Florida Accidents
Speeding and other types of aggressive driving are listed as areas to address on Florida’s 2021 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), because more injuries and fatalities tend to occur when this type of behavior goes unchecked. Statistics from 2019 estimate that over 5,000 total injuries and fatalities resulted on Florida roads as a result… Read More »

Florida No-Fault Auto Insurance May Be A Thing Of The Past
In May 2021, the Florida legislature passed a bill seeking to repeal Florida’s current “no-fault” auto insurance laws, hoping to reduce the number of uninsured drivers on state roads. The bill is awaiting the governor’s signature, as of this writing, but even at this point the proposal has several critics who argue that repealing… Read More »

Burn Injuries Come In Many Variations
When the average person thinks of injuries caused by burns, they immediately think of fire. However, burns can come from several other sources, including chemicals, electricity, and radiation. Some of these types of injuries present differently than a thermal (fire or heat-related) burn, which can make it harder to recover for your injuries. If… Read More »

What Constitutes ‘Distracted Driving’ In Florida?
Distracted driving has become a serious negative trend across the United States in recent years, playing a role in approximately 10 percent of fatal car accidents in 2019, causing over 3,100 deaths. The majority of distracted driving accidents could be avoided, which is why it is beginning to be taken so seriously by law… Read More »

Soft Tissue Injuries In Car Accidents
When one is involved in a car accident, the damage that one sees can include everything from scrapes and cuts, to broken bones, to traumatic brain injuries. However, the most common type of injury suffered in auto accidents is soft tissue damage, located primarily in the back and neck area. Soft tissue injuries can… Read More »