Category Archives: Car Accidents

PIP Coverage Outside Your Own Car
Florida is a no-fault state, which means that instead of injured drivers filing suit against defendants to seek compensation for their injuries after vehicle accidents, they must file a claim with their own auto insurance, referred to as personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. However, this can lead to confusion in some cases, especially if… Read More »

Have You Been Injured By A Distracted Driver?
Distracted driving has been recognized as one of the most potentially dangerous behaviors that a driver can engage in on the road. If you have been in an accident involving a distracted driver, know that you do have options to try and recover for your medical bills and your other damages. If you can… Read More »

Florida Rideshare Accidents
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Uber and Lyft have been trying to help Floridians get around safely, creating initiatives like offering free rides to veterans. However, even with less traffic on the roads in Tampa, rideshare cars can sometimes cause accidents, either with another vehicle or with a pedestrian. If you are unfortunate enough to… Read More »

Accidents With Uninsured & Underinsured Drivers
Unlike a majority of U.S. states, Florida still uses a no-fault system for auto insurance. Every driver with a vehicle that is registered in Florida must carry a certain amount of personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage, and if one is involved in an accident, they are supposed to draw on that insurance coverage… Read More »

Broken Bones In Florida Accidents
While most of the broken bones in the United States each year occur due to trauma (such as auto accidents, falls, and sports injuries), there are many different causes for fractures, any of which can cause long-term issues for the victim. If you have sustained one or more fractures and you believe it is… Read More »

Accidents With Uninsured Motorists In Florida
Florida has a no-fault system, designed to cut down on clogging the court dockets with car accident cases. This means that all drivers on the roads are required to carry a certain amount of insurance, so that claims can be paid relatively quickly and easily. However, there is a minority of drivers in Florida… Read More »

Accidents Involving Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists In Florida
In recent years, Florida’s drivers have been immortalized in print as being some of the worst in the nation, with high rates of traffic fatalities and only Oklahoma having a higher percentage of uninsured drivers. Uninsured motorists in particular are a major problem for Florida drivers, because Florida has a no-fault system of auto… Read More »

Uber and Lyft Accidents In Tampa
Uber, Lyft and other rideshare companies have been operating legally in Tampa since 2017, and very often provide a handy and reliable way to get from point A to point B. However, due to the increased traffic in the area, accidents can and do happen with rideshare cars. If you are involved in an… Read More »

Head-On Collisions On Florida Roads
Florida traffic is forever busy, and not everyone drives defensively. One of the most common types of crashes is the head-on collision, and the potential injuries can be severe or even lethal. However, it can be difficult in some cases to determine who caused the accident, and thus who should be responsible for the… Read More »

Car Accident Injuries Hiding In Plain Sight
After an auto accident, the most severe injuries get the highest priority for treatment, as one might imagine. However, it is not uncommon for some injuries to only become apparent days or even weeks after your accident, and if they are not given the proper treatment, these conditions can lead to chronic pain and… Read More »