Category Archives: Distracted Driving

Have You Been Struck By A Distracted Driver?
Whether you are in a passenger vehicle, big rig, motorcycle, or on your feet, the specter of distracted drivers on Florida roads is a disturbing one. It is easy to feel protected to the point of immortality, particularly if you have never been in a car crash before. However, a driver operating their vehicle… Read More »

Distracted Driving Causes Serious Injuries
Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous things a person can do in a vehicle, but people persist on doing so. If you are involved with an accident where the other driver was distracted, your injuries are likely severe, and you may feel as though you are unable to manage seeking compensation while… Read More »

Dealing With Distracted Drivers On Florida Roads
While driving, everyone may have a moment where their full attention is not on the road. However, the risk of accident and injury rises the longer your attention is diverted, and the consequences can be quite severe. Distracted driving plays a major role in significant number of Florida car accidents, and if you believe… Read More »

Distracted Driving Accidents In Florida
With recent initiatives trying to curb texting and driving, it is easy to forget that any time you are behind the wheel and driving is not your primary focus counts as distracted driving. Texting and driving is decidedly dangerous (and in quite a few cases can count as proof of negligent conduct) but at… Read More »

Aggressive & Distracted Driving On Florida Roads
Florida has thousands of auto accidents every year, with some being attributable to weather, to poorly maintained roads, or simply to bad luck. However, a large proportion of these crashes is caused at least in part by poor driving, most notably either driving distracted or driving too aggressively. If you have been injured in… Read More »