Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice During A Pregnancy
Medical professionals, particularly licensed M.D.s, hold a great deal of power over the patients they have in their charge. Nowhere is this more evident than in dealing with pregnant people; there are simply so many different scenarios in which one wrong move may lead to a life-changing injury to the newborn, the pregnant person,… Read More »

When Do Medical “Errors” Become Medical Malpractice?
Medical errors happen on a much wider scale than the average person thinks. Studies are varied in terms of how many patients experience “preventable harm” per year, from 100,000 to over 400,000, but suffice it to say, there is an ongoing problem with patients suffering preventable harm that can cause serious consequences. That said,… Read More »

What Is The Standard Of Care In Florida Medical Malpractice Cases?
Medical malpractice is arguably one of the most complex causes of action one can bring in court. This goes extra in Florida, given its numerous pre-suit requirements that plaintiffs must meet before bringing their claim. However, at the heart of every claim brought to court is the issue of how much care is owed… Read More »

Expert Witnesses In Florida Medical Malpractice Cases
In general, it is difficult to file a medical malpractice case in Florida. There are long lists of requirements and qualifications that a potential plaintiff must meet in order to even bring their suit to court, while establishing medical negligence and collecting damages may be even more difficult. One of the most misunderstood is… Read More »

Are Medical Malpractice Cases Difficult To Win In Florida?
Though different studies seem to argue for different specific numbers, it is generally the truth to state that the majority of civil cases in the United States are settled out of court, without making it to trial. As one might then expect, any case that goes to trial must be a good one, with… Read More »

Medical Malpractice and “Never Events”
Everyone makes mistakes, even doctors and other medical professionals, but some mistakes are minor inconveniences, while others may cause debilitating and life-changing conditions. In 2011, the former CEO of the National Quality Forum coined the term “never event” to describe an occurrence, in a medical setting, that is “unacceptable and eminently preventable.” If you… Read More »

Preparing To Sue For Medical Malpractice In Florida
Florida is a state with a higher-than-average proportion of the elderly, and as such, has a reputation as a good place to be in the medical profession. The medical lobby is strong, and as such, bringing a suit under a theory of medical malpractice means that it is difficult to recover under current law…. Read More »