Category Archives: Pedestrian Accidents

Who Is Considered A Pedestrian On Florida Roads?
Florida state law describes pedestrians as people who are “afoot,” but this can be confusing for the average person. “Afoot” implies only people who are walking qualify, but in reality, Florida recognizes people who use wheelchairs, skateboarding or rollerskating as pedestrians as well. If you get into an accident with a car or truck… Read More »

Can I Use My Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance After A Pedestrian Accident?
For several reasons, accidents involving vehicles and pedestrians are depressingly common in Florida, particularly in urban areas. If you are injured by a negligent driver while out and about, you have the right to seek monetary compensation from their personal injury protection (PIP) insurer for the damage you have suffered. However, too many drivers… Read More »

13-Year Old Palm Bay Student Struck While Crossing The Street
On the morning of December 2, 2021, a 13-year old student was crossing the road at Cogan Drive in Palm Bay when he was struck by a speeding vehicle. The boy had been trying to catch his school bus, which was parked and had its flashing lights on, but a driver ignored the bus’s… Read More »

Why Are Florida Cities Not Safe For Pedestrians?
Each year, the urban planning think tank SmartGrowth America puts out its Dangerous By Design report, which ranks U.S. metropolitan areas according to how dangerous they are to pedestrians, as well as analyzing the reasons for the high rate of injuries and fatalities. In the 2021 report, 7 of the 10 most dangerous metropolitan… Read More »

Florida Tightens Bicycle & Pedestrian Regulations
In July 2021, several new regulations related to bicyclist and pedestrian safety became law in Florida, after being passed in the previous year. Some of them include clarifying the definition of a “bicycle lane,” tightening the specific requirements for how to safely pass a bicyclist or a pedestrian on the road, and allows bicyclists… Read More »

Have You Been In A Florida Pedestrian Accident?
Pedestrians are some of the most at-risk road users in Florida, simply because they lack the protection of automobile drivers. If you are struck by a car or motorcycle while out on Florida’s roads, your injuries are likely severe, and you may need experienced legal help to get through the legal process of seeking… Read More »

Pedestrian Struck In Gulf Boulevard Crash
An October weekend crash caused “life-threatening” injuries for a pedestrian after they were struck by a vehicle while crossing Gulf Boulevard in Clearwater. The crash occurred at approximately 6pm on a Saturday, and shut down traffic on the street in both directions. While as of this writing, no further word is available on the… Read More »

Accidents On Foot In Florida
Florida has a notorious reputation for traffic accidents, given the volume of cars and trucks on state roads at any given moment. However, what is often overlooked is that many people outside vehicles – pedestrians, bicyclists, and others using non-powered vehicles – wind up getting injured in accidents as well. Pedestrians are more likely… Read More »

Florida Auto Accidents Involving Pedestrians
With its year-round pleasant weather, Florida is a pedestrian-heavy state, with countless Floridians choosing to walk or cycle around their hometowns to enjoy free time. However, as the state’s population rises and falls, this can lead to increased road accidents, injuries and fatalities. If you are involved in an auto accident as a pedestrian,… Read More »

Have You Been In A Pedestrian Accident In Florida?
Florida’s weather makes it an environment in which pedestrians can spend lots of time outside. However, this also increases the chance of being injured in a pedestrian accident, simply because of the heightened traffic. If you have been in an accident with a vehicle, it is important to be aware of all your options… Read More »