Category Archives: Premises Liability

AirBNB & Premises Liability In Florida
Airbnb is a company that provides short-term rentals to city visitors, mostly tourists. Since 2008, the business has mushroomed in size, and Florida has reaped many of the rewards, as the state played host to three of the most popular U.S. destinations in 2020. However, the company is not without its issues and controversies…. Read More »

Liability In Florida’s Public Swimming Pools
Because of its year-round fair weather, Florida has one of the highest concentrations of swimming pools of any state in the country. That said, it also has a disproportionately high level of accidents, injuries and fatalities surrounding swimming pools. One situation that unfortunately recurs far more often than it needs to is an injury… Read More »

Finding My Classification Under Florida Premises Liability Law
In Florida premises liability law, there are three different categories of people who might enter a business or visit property. Which group a person is classified into depends on their purpose for visiting the premises – but sometimes it can be difficult to classify a person with the information one has, or one can… Read More »

Am I An Invitee Or A Licensee Under Florida Premises Liability Law?
When a person is injured on property or in a business that belongs to another person, and they believe that negligence played a role in their injury, they file suit under a theory known as premises liability. Florida’s negligence law holds that if a business or a landowner has a hazard on their land… Read More »

Do I Have A Case For Premises Liability?
Most of the time, when someone is injured at home, they only have themselves to blame. However, being on someone else’s premises – whether a private home, a commercial business, or somewhere in between – is a different matter. If you are injured in an accident on someone else’s premises, there is a much… Read More »

Misconceptions About Florida Premises Liability
The legal concept of premises liability holds that if someone is injured in a place other than their home, the owner of the property (or the business on the property) may be liable for the harm that person suffered. However, this concept is not nearly as simple as it might seem. The law recognizes… Read More »

What Is Florida’s “Recreational Use” Statute?
Public officials in Florida have a vested interest in private landowners opening up their property to public use to encourage people to get outside and enjoy the state. However, the state’s premises liability law precludes that for many – there is simply no incentive for a private landowner to allow the public onto their… Read More »

Defining “Open & Obvious Dangers”
The law of premises liability is related to negligence law, and it comes into play when an injury allegedly occurs because of some danger on a person’s land, or in their home or business. A property owner is generally held to owe a duty to exercise reasonable care for anyone (with some exceptions) who… Read More »

What Is Florida Premises Liability?
The majority of people are injured in their own homes or in their vehicles. However, if an injury happens to someone while they are on someone else’s land, or in someone else’s business, the law of premises liability will usually apply. Premises liability is the area of law that lays out the potential liability… Read More »

Prepare Your Pool For Florida Winters
Florida winters are notoriously mild, with an average temperature of 72 degrees F (22 C) during the winter months. This means that many Floridians and tourists are able to enjoy stereotypically summery activities even while the rest of the country freezes, and no activity is more popular than swimming, even out of season. Many… Read More »