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Category Archives: Wrongful Burial Cremation


What Is Funeral Home Negligence?

By Rinaldo Law Group |

Funeral homes are businesses, just like any other, and as such, sometimes they will make mistakes. Billing errors or minor slip-ups with time are common, but sometimes errors will be far more egregious. When these types of mistakes happen with someone’s visitation or funeral, they may rise to the level of negligence, which is… Read More »

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Funeral Home Negligence & Wrongful Handling Of Remains

By Rinaldo Law Group |

The loss of a loved one is often the toughest day in a person’s life, and it is this deep sense of loss that drives a need for routine on the days afterward. If the funeral home makes major mistakes, or acts recklessly in handling your loved one’s remains, it can not only be… Read More »

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