Florida Has High Motorcycle Accident Numbers Year Round

When it comes to motorcycle riding, Florida basically has no off-season due to its pleasant weather all year round. There are multiple different events that take place in Florida, from Biketoberfest to Speed Weeks, and countless tourists come to the state to ride. However, the sheer influx of motorcyclists does mean that the accident and fatality rate will rise. Florida posts high numbers of motorcycle injuries and fatalities every year, and while it is important to understand why, it is also a good idea to know how to avoid becoming a statistic yourself.
Statistics Show High Danger Rates
Statistics from the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) estimate that in 2017 – the most recent available data year – approximately 9700 motorcycle crashes occurred, resulting in 515 deaths and over 7700 injuries. The Governors’ Highway Safety Association (GHSA) estimated that of all Florida’s motor vehicle deaths in that year, almost 20 percent were motorcycle drivers and passengers, which is a higher percentage than all but 6 other states. Motorcyclists are, as a general rule, overrepresented in most states’ traffic facility numbers, but Florida’s are specifically higher than most, for a variety of reasons.
There are several reasons for this across all states, not only native to Florida, but perhaps the most serious factor in high motorcyclist injury and death rates is self-evident: a motorcyclist and their bike are far less protected from serious injury or death than a driver or passenger in a car. An automobile passenger has glass, metal and airbags between them and the pavement – a motorcyclist has none of those things, and is also more likely to be ejected from their vehicle in an accident than a car or truck driver is to be ejected from theirs.
Injuries & Preventions
Because of the lack of protection, the injuries sustained by a motorcyclist in an average crash can be much more severe than those of an automobile occupant, and the bills will come with it. The types of injuries that can result from a motorcycle accident are almost too numerous to mention – it essentially hinges on where the motorcyclist winds up and whether or not they are ejected from their vehicle – but no matter what, they are likely to be serious, requiring long-term recovery. If you have been injured by another person’s negligence, obtaining monetary compensation can be extra important given the amount of time you may have to be out of work recovering.
It is a good idea, as a motorcyclist, to take precautions to help minimize your risk of being involved in an accident. Examples might include not lane-splitting (a practice where lanes are shared between cycles and cars – legal in other states, but not in Florida), making sure you and your bike are visible, and always riding defensively – that is, riding in the places designated for motorcyclists. However, you may still be injured due to another person’s negligence if you take all suitable precautions, and if you are hurt, you can still enlist a dedicated attorney to help you get the compensation you deserve.
Contact A Tampa Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Motorcycling is a prominent part of Floridian life for many different people. If you are injured while riding, you need an attorney who understands your rights as well as those of auto drivers, and how best to show that you deserve your share of the road. The Tampa motorcycle accident attorneys at the Rinaldo Law Group can sit down with you and try to answer any questions you may have about the legal process going forward. Call us today for a free consultation.