Florida Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents are among the deadliest types of car crashes. Statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) show that in 2019, approximately 6,400 people died in rollover crashes, which accounted for 28 percent of all traffic deaths that year (one of the highest percentages when examining the different types of accidents). If you have been involved in this kind of accident, your injuries are likely quite severe, and enlisting an experienced attorney to guide you through the claims process can help to maximize your chances of recovery.
Different Types Of Accidents
What many do not know about rollover crashes is that not all of them are caused by impact. For example, the way some vehicles are manufactured makes them more prone to tipping over without any kind of accident actually taking place; this most often happens with sport utility vehicles, with their higher center of gravity. Another common reason for rollovers without impact is defective or poorly maintained components; defective tires, a weak windshield or sunroof, or the like can easily lead to a rollover.
That said, impact or ‘tripped’ rollovers are more common, by a factor of about 3 to 1, and occur for many of the same reasons as any other accident. Distracted driving, speeding, use of alcohol or drugs, or improperly maintained roads can all lead to a crash, which in turn can lead to a vehicle rollover. Frontal impacts are the most likely to cause rollovers, but in theory, any type of impact can lead to this type of accident, and rollover accidents can lead to severe injuries.
Seeking Compensation
Florida is a no-fault state, which means that you may not file suit against the alleged responsible person unless your injuries reach a certain threshold. Most of the time, you will instead file an insurance claim with your personal injury protection (PIP) carrier – Florida drivers are required to have at least $10,000 worth of PIP coverage and the same amount of property damage liability (PDL) coverage, and to try and avoid overcrowding court dockets, the majority of auto accident cases are disposed of in this manner.
If your injuries are severe – if you have suffered “significant and permanent” damage, generally – you can file suit against the person or people you believe to have caused your accident. Be advised that you may file suit against more than one defendant – for example, against the driver who struck you or caused the rollover, and also against the manufacturer of your sunroof if it failed to stand up to the accident. Either way, it is a good idea to get an attorney who knows the ropes of these types of cases on your side.
Contact A Tampa Auto Accident Lawyer
Rollover accidents usually involve an immense amount of weight suddenly moving in a way that it should not. If you have been unfortunate enough to experience such an event, contacting a Tampa car accident attorney from the Rinaldo Law Group can be the first step toward getting the compensation you deserve. Call our offices today for a free consultation.