Have You Been Burned In An Accident?

Burn injuries are some of the most physically and emotionally damaging injuries that one can sustain, and they can happen in countless different situations, though most people think only of fire. There are multiple types of burns, and if yours were caused by the negligence of someone else, you have the right to hold that person accountable and seek to get your medical bills paid. However, it may not be immediately possible to do that.
Burns Cause Serious Harm
Statistics from the American Burn Association estimate that around 485,000 burn injuries received medical treatment at a hospital in 2016, while acknowledging that many more burn injuries might not have been treated at all, or treated at private burn clinics or hospitals. As many as 40,000 hospitalizations for burns occurred that year, with almost three-quarters of them being into hospital burn centers. This data tells us that many burns are not serious, but too many are, leading to complications like breathing problems, bacterial infections, bone and joint problems, and long-term scarring (which has its own mental and emotional complications, especially if plastic surgery to correct the issue is not available).
In addition to the potential complications, it can sometimes be difficult to show the origin of your burns, especially if they were sustained in a larger accident. For example, burns sustained in a car accident will usually be thought to be a result of fire. However, there are several types of burns, including scalds, electrical, radiation, or chemical-related burns, some of which are plausible in certain types of crashes. The more information you have regarding your injuries and the accident, the more likely you will be able to establish negligence if you have to do so.
Establishing Negligence
Very often, burn injuries are sustained due to another person’s negligence. If this is true in your case, you must prove that the negligent defendant failed to exercise reasonable care in their actions (or inactions), and that their failure was the direct cause of your injuries. It can be difficult to establish this chain of events in some cases, but it can be done, and in addition, Florida law does not bar recovery even if you are ruled to be partially liable for your own injuries.
That said, if you have sustained burn injuries in an auto accident, you may not bring suit against the person or entity allegedly responsible for them unless they are of a particular severity – this is referred to as the ‘tort liability exemption.’ If your injuries do not meet the exemption, you must file a claim with your personal injury protection (PIP) carrier in order to ensure your bills are paid. Be advised that PIP coverage will only pay 80 percent of all expenses for all reasonably necessary medical procedures, and the leftover 20 percent can and does add up.
Can A Tampa Burn Injury Lawyer Help You?
Burn injuries can lead to mental, emotional and physical pain for those who experience them. You need a compassionate and dedicated attorney to help provide support for what you have been through, and the Tampa burn injury lawyers at the Rinaldo Law Group can help you get through the legal process. Contact us today for a free consultation.