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How Does Bad Weather Impact Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents?


Most of Florida has a tropical climate, which means that those living there usually avoid several different types of bad weather. However, the state sees its fair share of extreme heat and hurricanes, with strong wind and serious rainfall, and these phenomena can and do play a role in major road accidents. Wet roads can create optimal accident conditions, and the resulting injuries can change a person’s life. If you have been injured in a wet-weather accident, it may be tempting to write off your injuries as bad luck – but it may be that someone’s negligence contributed to your outcome.

Poor Weather Affects Everyone

In Florida, just over 1 million road accidents per year, on average, have some kind of weather as a factor. Wet pavement is the primary culprit, with roughly three-quarters of the crashes citing rainfall as a cause. As one might imagine, rainfall leads to wet pavement (and thus, longer braking times), decreased visibility, and potential flooding, which creates its own problems over time. That said, strong winds and heat can also cause accidents, particularly for higher-profile commercial motor vehicles like tractor-trailers and passenger buses.

Many accidents caused by poor weather are single-vehicle accidents, particularly when a crash ends with the vehicle rolling over. However, a percentage of these accidents do involve multiple vehicles, particularly when weather is so severe that it affects everyone equally. Florida law imposes a duty to exercise reasonable care on every road user, toward every other road user (whether in a four-wheeled vehicle, on a cycle, or a pedestrian), and if inclement weather is present, the duty is more stringent for everyone.

Causation Can Be Difficult To Establish

While inclement weather affects every driver on the road, the stakes are arguably higher for commercial motor vehicle drivers. CMVs are vehicles that are (1) not owned by a governmental entity; (2) that use “special fuel” or “motor fuel” on highways; and (3) weigh at least 26,001 pounds or have 3 or more axles. Vehicles that carry such weight are generally slow to stop and often have a higher center of gravity than most – both of which make them infinitely more likely to crash or even overturn if they hit slick pavement.

If you have been involved in this type of crash, know that it can unfortunately be difficult – though not impossible – to establish causation, which is required in order to prove negligence on the part of a defendant. It is not uncommon for crashes that occur during inclement weather to be ruled simple accidents, or in some cases, ‘acts of God.’ Clear evidence must exist in order for weather to have played a part in a Florida road accident; items like witness statements, camera footage or ‘black box’ data can all make a significant difference.

Contact A Tampa Commercial Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

If you have been involved in an accident with a commercial motor vehicle on wet roads, it can feel too overwhelming to try and seek money damages. A Tampa commercial motor vehicle accident attorney from the Rinaldo Law Group can help. Call our office today for a free consultation.



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