Rollover Car Accidents On Florida Roads

Florida roads are notoriously dangerous, with around a quarter of drivers having no auto insurance, and elevated levels of traffic compared to most other states. One of the most deadly types of auto accidents is the rollover crash, where a vehicle actually flips, landing on its roof, or completing the flip and landing hard on its tires again. Rollovers only account for around 2 percent of U.S. auto accidents, but are responsible for as many as 35 percent of the traffic fatalities in any given year. If you have been injured in a rollover crash, your injuries are likely quite severe, and you may be able to seek compensation for what you have been through.
Mostly Single-Car Crashes
Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that most fatal rollover crashes happen as single-car crashes, with only one vehicle involved. Rather, a vehicle with a high or otherwise unstable center of gravity will hit what is known as a “trip” in the road – a significant pothole, a curb, construction debris, or anything similar that causes the vehicle’s center of gravity to shift abruptly. Historically, SUVs were more likely to be affected by these hazards, as well as having a higher center of gravity, but over time, other vehicles have begun to be affected as well.
That said, this does not mean that no one can be held responsible if they played a role in your injuries. Even if no other car struck yours, another car could have swerved or otherwise forced you to adjust your vehicle’s path; alternatively, the actor who created the ‘trip’ in the road may have done so negligently. It should also be noted that a rollover can happen due to a potential defect in the vehicle itself – for example, a tire that blows out when a standard tire would remain intact. If you are able to file suit, there are several options.
Filing Suit Can Be Complicated
One thing that most rollover victims should keep in mind with regard to filing suit is that Florida has a no-fault auto insurance system, which means that unless one’s injuries are severe – usually permanent – accident victims must seek redress by filing a claim with their personal injury protection (PIP) insurance (all Florida drivers are required to carry at least a certain amount of PIP and property damage liability insurance, though many do not). This is still true of a single-vehicle crash; your coverage will pay for most bills, though you are not eligible to seek damages for things like pain and suffering or loss of enjoyment of life.
If your injuries are serious enough where Florida law allows you to file suit, be aware that you may be held partially liable for your own injuries, depending on the specific facts of your situation. However, you may still be able to recover; Florida law allows injured plaintiffs in this position to still recover minus their percentage of fault. For example, if the court rules you are 20 percent liable for your own injuries, you might still be able to recover 80 percent of your damages.
Call A Tampa Rollover Accident Attorney
Rollover accidents are disproportionately deadly because of the enormous amount of weight transferred in this type of crash, and the injuries can be extremely severe. If you have been harmed in a rollover accident, and you believe that someone else’s negligence caused your injuries, calling a Tampa car accident attorney from the Rinaldo Law Group is a good first step toward potentially recovering the compensation you deserve. Call our offices today for a free consultation.