Spinal Injuries In Florida

Whether in a car crash or another type of violence, suffering a spinal cord injury can lead to a fundamental alteration in the way a person lives their life, often coming along with significant medical bills and loss of income. It can add insult to injury if the injury was caused by the recklessness or negligence of another person. If you have experienced this life-changing type of accident, you need a dedicated spinal injury lawyer on your side so as to maximize your chances to recover for what you have been through.
Multiple Varied Causes & Symptoms
Statistics from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) estimate that roughly 17,700 new spinal cord injuries occur every year, with more than three-fourths of those affected being male. The average age for spinal injury victims has increased notably since the 1970s, topping out at 43 years of age in recent years – this tracks with causes changing as well. Falls and violent crime have been responsible for more spinal injuries over time, though vehicle accidents remain the number one cause as of this writing.
The average person will often associate spinal injuries with instant tetraplegia (losing nerve function in all limbs), but in reality, depending on the severity of the injury, other symptoms may present first. Fractured vertebrae may be noticed first, as well as nerve damage that may worsen in the short term. If you have been involved in an accident where there is any potential injury to your spine, even if you suspect only cracked vertebrae, timely medical intervention is crucial, both for your own welfare and also to ensure that the records reflect this.
Establishing Liability
In order to establish liability for your spinal injury, you must be able to establish the value of your claim. Even a ‘mild’ spinal injury can lead to long-term effects that affect a person’s quality of life, including depression or posttraumatic stress, loss of bodily functions, breathing problems, sexual dysfunction, and chronic pain – to say nothing of financial issues due to losing work or covering potentially enormous medical bills. Florida personal injury law allows you to try and recover for all of these injuries, as well as for less quantifiable suffering such as loss of quality of life, mental anguish, and loss of support.
Keep in mind that you do have a finite period of time in which to file your suit. Florida law allows for a four-year period (that is, four years from the date of the injury, or the date on which the injury should have been discovered) in which you are permitted to file. This may not seem like a problem, but very often a spinal injury victim will need years just to readjust to life in their condition, and it can be all too easy to let the specter of litigation slip out of your mind.
Call A Tampa Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer To Help
Because spinal injury is such a life-altering event, the stakes in any case of this type are high. Do not entrust your recovery to chance – calling a Tampa spine injury attorney at the Rinaldo Law Group can help ease your mind and show you a path through the process of filing suit. We are experienced and will fight hard to get you the recovery you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.